Have you ever wondered why you binge even if you feel like you don’t restrict? Let’s chat about some sneaky signs of restriction!
Binge eating can happen for a variety of reasons, but the main one being restriction. This leads to the restrict/binge cycle; where you restrict which causes a binge, which causes you to further restrict again. But what do I mean when I say restriction? Restriction is ANY form of limiting your food intake in the form of a diet (keto or intermittent fasting), low calorie or avoiding certain food groups (gluten and dairy-free).
The reason restriction leads to binge eating is physiological (relating to the body) and psychological (relating to the mind). Physiologically, your body responds to restriction the same way it would respond to famine. Your body needs energy and when you are avoiding basic needs (aka food!), your body will overcompensate by creating a strong hunger response (aka that GIVE-ME-FOOD-NOW feeling), creating the perfect storm for a binge. Psychologically, restriction creates a novelty around the foods you’re not allowing yourself to eat, causing you to want them even more. What you tell yourself you can’t have, you end up wanting more of!
Sometimes when I’m working with clients, they tell me “but Marissa I don’t restrict foods… so why am I still bingeing?” Sometimes their bingeing comes from other reasons, but more often than not I can identify sneaky ways they are unintentionally restricting.
Sneaky Signs of Restriction #1: Conditional Rules
A conditional rule sounds something like “I can have an oreo… but only one”, “I can have pizza… but only 1 slice”, “I can have peanut butter… but only 2 tbsp”. When you’re putting conditions onto the foods you eat, this prevents you from being able to truly listen and honor your body. Think about it, what if you have 1 slice of pizza and are still hungry? That rule of “I can only have one slice” adds resistance and can cause you to feel hungrier later in the day or out of control around that food, leading to a binge!
Sneaky Signs of Restriction #2: Masking Hunger
I know you’ve heard it many times before… “you’re not hungry, you just need water or more protein or you’re just bored.” Hunger is hunger. If you are trying to avoid your hunger or prolong it by drinking water or chewing gum, you are ignoring a vital sign from your body that is telling you to EAT. Ignoring this sign is restrictive and will lead to bingeing later on!
Sneaky Signs of Restriction #3: “Should” Talking
Should talking is when you second guess your choices or try to convince yourself you “should” have made a different choice. “I really should choose a salad because it’s healthier” or “I shouldn’t have had the ice cream” or “I shouldn’t be hungry, I just ate!” When you’re second guessing yourself, this can impact psychological restriction, ultimately leading to a binge.
Take a moment and think about how these sneaky signs of restriction may be impacting you and causing you to binge. To stop binge eating, you must stop restriction, but if you are unaware it is happening it can be hard to do so! It takes time, compassion, and patience to break away from these sneaky forms of restriction but it is possible to rewire your old diet culture belief system and work toward food freedom.
Marissa Kai Miluk, MS, RDN, LD
Reviewed and Edited by Kaitlyn Allen MS, MEd, MS, RD