3 Reasons Why Processed Foods Are Healthy - Behind the Binge

3 Reasons Why Processed Foods Are Healthy

Do you believe processed foods are healthy? Diet culture loves to paint the picture that processed foods are bad. While yes, it is great to focus on and enjoy whole foods often, processed foods have a place in a healthful life. Don’t be misled by the fear-mongering of processed foods.


Reason #1: All food is processed.

Did you know that most foods are technically processed? For example, rice requires processing in order to be digested by our bodies and olive oil has to be processed in order for it to actually become olive oil! Does that make rice or olive oil bad for our health? Absolutely not.

Now you might be thinking, what about processed foods like cereals, microwave meals, and packaged snacks? Aren’t those unhealthy? Well…I’d argue otherwise. While these foods may not be the most nutrient-dense, something doesn’t have to pack a powerful nutrient punch in order for it to have health benefits. For example, when you’re running late in the morning for work and want to pop-in a microwaveable breakfast burrito to eat on-the-go, I’d say that’s a more healthful choice than eating nothing at all.

When you learn to listen to your body, you will gravitate toward more whole foods more often. If you’re constantly consuming sodium-packed microwave meals, you will likely feel bloated and dehydrated. However, if you listen to your body, you can use that cue of feeling bloated and dehydrated as a sign to pick something else. Something that will make you feel better. ALL food has a place in a healthful life.


Reason #2: Sometimes processed foods are the healthiest choice

You may be asking yourself, but Marissa what about all the research studies that show the negative health effects of eating “processed” foods? Well, these studies don’t take into consideration the reason behind these outcomes. 

There are a variety of reasons as to why someone may eat more “processed foods” than someone else. One of these being their socioeconomic status, meaning they don’t have access or the ability to buy foods that are “not processed.” Food insecurity poses a bigger barrier to whole foods, making processed foods the best (most healthful) option for those living in poverty. Food is food. Any food is better than no food at all. 


Reason #3: Balance.

Life is about balance. If we can balance our consumption of both processed and whole foods, that’s where we can find ultimate “health”. A life where we can enjoy a hearty salad for lunch and still split a pizza for dinner. A life where we enjoy oatmeal for breakfast one day, and a bagel with cream cheese another. A life where we can enjoy plain carrots some days or carrots with ranch another day. Demonizing a food group as general as “processed foods” is likely to cause you to feel more drawn to those foods anyway. Health is not all-or-nothing. So if you’re looking to focus on increasing healthful behaviors around foods, start by tuning into your body. Listen to your body. It will tell you exactly what you need.


Reviewed and Edited by Kaitlyn Allen MS, MEd, MS, RD.


If you’re ready to heal your relationship with food and your body. you’re in the right place! Join Behind The Binge Academy, my signature group coaching program so you can create a healthful life where you eat without guilt, stress or obsession.

3 Reasons Why Processed Foods Are Healthy



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