

Stop Obsessing Over Food and Take Back Control

Ready to stop obsessing over food? Grab this free guide where I share simple tools to use so you’ll know exactly what to do the next time a binge is creeping in. I’m here for you! 💕

What’s Inside:

  • Tools to use before, during, or after your next binge to help you get un-stuck 
  • How to deal with the guilt, shame, and doubt when you vow to “never binge again”
  • Tips to identify helpful patterns that support binge freedom that you already engage in
  • Template for an action plan based on your reflections to support your journey to binge freedom

Meet Marissa

Hello! I am Marissa, a Registered Dietitian who utilizes a non-diet approach to health and wellness.

Food is a fundamental part of our well-being, and unfortunately, it is often viewed solely as an enemy. Food fears are ingrained in our minds through media and weight-loss programs, but I am here to tell you that you have the power to take back control of your life and leave the diet demons behind.

I work with anyone who wants to ditch dieting and stop binge eating to find a way of eating that fits their unique lifestyle that they can sustain for life.

I practice aligned with the Intuitive Eating principles and the Health at Every Size® approach.