Are you still following sneaky food rules?

Are you still following sneaky food rules?

It is oh so common to start finding food freedom and think you are all in, but just one exception or food rule is holding you back from ditching dieting for good.


Does this sound like you? 

Here’s how to identify and finally end the last lingering food rule.

So what is the problem with that last food rule hanging around?

A food rule can keep you stuck on the edge of diving back into one last diet. They give you a false sense of control around food which can leave you bingeing instead. Food rules keep you from becoming in tune and trusting your body.

How to identify a food rule:

Think of every diet, nutrition advice you have been given or anything you have ever read about eating. Write down every food rule you have ever followed or have been told to follow. Do this without any judgment. Keep this in mind throughout the next day and week to catch any that you might not have thought of. This not only helps you identify if there is a food rule you still follow, but also if one of those lingering food rules keeps you feeling guilty.

Some examples of food rules include things about timing of food, types of food, amount of food, earning food, labeling food as good/bad or anything that may cause you guilt around food or your body.

So the reason I want you to write down every one you can think of even if you don’t feel like you still follow them is to see if they still bring you guilt, but also to be able to check off the list of what you no longer follow. Be proud of how far you have come even if you are just getting started, I’m sure there are some food rules that you tried with fad diets in the past that you were able to recognize as not sustainable, or maybe even damaging. Take each one as a win!

If you start to see quite a few food rules still causing guilt or that you are stuck in a habit with and can’t get out of. SLOW DOWN. Circle the food rules that are the scariest and save those for later. Start small, but challenge yourself. Breaking free from one will give you confidence to do another.

Now make a plan to break that food rule consistently at very normal times. You don’t want to work on breaking rules around binge foods at a time you might be more prone to binge. Instead add your binge food throughout the day one by one, consistently, until they are normal. 

For example: Regular bread always seems to be a difficult one because we all lived through (survived) the “low carb era.” Try adding regular bread to your lunch every day all week. Plan it out, it can be in different ways or the same, but do it every day until you no longer desire it.

Here’s where sneaky food rules start to show their face. If you find yourself adding a sandwich into your lunch, BUT you can only add one slice of bread or maybe it is a “safer” option. You still have a food rule there holding you back.

Add it to your list and work towards shortening your list whenever you can! Continue to challenge yourself and accept opportunities to do so like when out to eat with friends, getting a food you will really enjoy instead of another salad! It starts to feel liberating.

You can tell if you are past a food rule once that guilt is gone or you feel more neutral towards that food. 

So let me know, do you have any lingering food rules lying around?

If you need personalized help breaking through these food rules and addressing the guilt, we would love to help you!




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